Tuesday, February 08, 2005

So many blogs, so little time

I've just added a couple more blogs to my blogging collecction. Work related, all of them. The first one is my research blog which can be accessed at the pitt server. The research blog contains the trials and adulation I face as a researcher. Most of it is just outlining my work, also what I did today. Is a research blog a good idea? Probably not. People can see that I've been slacking off, also people can steal my ideas huh. Hmmm. The only good thing about it is that I hope to get more comments, more ideas, and also some justification for some of the (bad :) ) choices that I made.

Another blog is on my computer. This blog is not for public viewing. It's just a blog for the projects that i am doing. Basically I want to read it in the future and see.. Wow I've really gone quite far.

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