Thursday, February 10, 2005

The Talking Bus Driver

There is one bus driver that stands out among other Pittsburgh's bus drivers. He's on the 71A route (the route I take to go to campus) and passes my house at 10.30.

Why does he stand out? He talks. Bus driver's are not normally known for their eloquence. They don't say much unless spoken to. They probably would yell out the name of the stop "Center and neville", or a few grunts, the nicer ones says "Have a nice day", and some other I know says "pay when you get off".

This driver is different. This driver likes to talk. He doesn't talk personally to one person or make jokes or anything like that. He says the same things as other drivers but in a more elegant fashion. For example, instead of saying "Fifth and Craig", he would say something like "Fifth and craig, PNC bank, The diocese, access to pittsburgh blind...". He would also say "Please don't leave your things on the buses, gloves, hats... and please be careful out there folks. Beware of traffic look left and right for incoming traffic".

He has a nice voice, although I don't know how he doesn't get a sore throat after talking like that non stop. Lozenges I suspect.

1 comment:

Andriana Yuni said...

You can find such thing in Japan easily (Tyhs, particularly... ;-) Visit Japan then if you would like to observe to a greater extent.

Just joking ;-)